The Book of Life - A Brief Study

 BOOK OF LIFE - a brief study

Pastor Mike Leiter

MA in Theological Studies, Fuller Seminary

I enjoy talking with people who are inquisitive. I was recently asked about my usage of the term “Lamb’s Book of Life” during my evangelistic talks. I will frequently encourage listeners who have come to Christ by telling them that their name is  now written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life”. Another way to say this is that in the final roll call in the age to come, those who believe will be shown to have their names included in God’s kingdom roster. This is meant to give an assurance to the listener that they are indeed saved and are included in God’s eternal family.

To dive a bit deeper into the theology of the term “book of life”, I will lean upon the scholarly write-up by F. F. Bruce from the New Bible Dictionary*. 

According to the NBD, In the New Testament the “book of life” refers to a metaphorical scroll containing a roster of those who have been granted life of the age to come (usually translated ‘eternal life’). In other words, the book of life represents the full roster of believers (e.g., Phil 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 22:19, etc). At the final judgment, everyone not listed in the book of life is said to be cast into the fiery lake (Rev 20:12, 15). The names not listed are referred to in at least two ways in the scriptures: ‘blotted out’ and ‘not written’. The idea that names were “blotted out” as a concept is mentioned (Rev 3:5) and there is also a concept of names “not written” in the book (Rev. 20:15). In essence, the metaphor is the same whether the name is ‘blotted out’ or ‘not written’. The idea is that to be included in the company of the rescued, one must have their name in the book. The Gospel of the Kingdom that is announced and demonstrated today should be seen as an open invitation to all who would come to experience life of the age to come (John 3:16-17).  

This book is also called the book of the slaughtered Lamb (Rev 13:8; 21:27). It is also stated that the names listed therein have been written ‘from the foundation of the world (Rev 17:8). This idea is also seen in Luke 10:20 and Acts 13:48. I would add that this pre-written ‘elect’ concept would be based on the foreknowledge of God, knowing who would eventually believe since I do not ascribe to the hyper-Calvinist view that states that God created some people to be saved and created others to be damned. God desires all to be saved and that none should ‘perish’ (2 Peter 3:9). The ‘elect’ or pre-written concept is based on God’s foreknowledge of who would eventually say “yes” to the Gospel.

The Bible is rich with imagery to help us to understand heavenly concepts. The most important thing to keep in mind on the subject of the ‘book of life’ is to know that God desires that our families, neighbors, communities, and beyond have their names listed within it. This is possible because of the work of Jesus and his commission to all believers to announce and demonstrate the good news of the kingdom of God. 

*The New Bible Dictionary (IVP Press) is an excellent resource for Bible Study and something I would recommend to all students of the Scriptures. I use a digital version within Logos Bible Software.

Disclaimer: I do not have an editor, so expect typos :)

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