Spurgeon's 1857 prophetic word about an upcoming move of God's Spirit

Spurgeon's 1857 prophetic word about an upcoming move of God's Spirit:

This is the kind of stuff I stumble upon in the 3 AM hour. If I'm wide awake at this hour, it's usually for a good reason. The following quote really moved me so I thought I would share.

Taken from his sermon called “The Power of the Holy Spirit,” (Source: vol. 1 of Spurgeon’s Sermons (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1996), 129–30.)

"Another great work of the Holy Spirit, which is not accomplished, is the bringing on of the latter-day glory. In a few more years—I know not when, I know not how—the Holy Spirit will be poured out in far different style from the present. There are diversities of operations; and during the last few years it has been the case that the diversified operations have consisted of very little pouring out of the Spirit. Ministers have gone on in dull routine, continually preaching—preaching—preaching, and little good has been done. I do hope that a fresh era has dawned upon us, and that there is a better pouring out of the Spirit even now. For the hour is coming, and it may be even now, when the Holy Ghost will be poured out again in such a wonderful manner, that many will run to and from and knowledge shall be increased—the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the surface of the great deep; when His Kingdom shall come, and His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven .... My eyes flash with the thought that very likely I shall live to see the outpouring of the Spirit; when 'the sons and the daughters of God shall prophesy, and the young men shall see visions, and the old men shall dream dreams.'"

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