Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?” Jn 10:31–32.

Greetings kingdom visionaries! We know that Jesus was threatened and persecuted by the religious and political leaders of his day. As kingdom seekers, we must remember that there is a cosmic war happening and the front lines can be a bloody place. However, in today's climate, it seems that some people interpret all resistance or negative response as persecution. As a point of clarity, it's important to grasp how Jesus handles this assault in our text. His detractors are about to stone him and Jesus asks a simple question, "For which of these [good works] do you stone me?" The wisdom in this question cannot be understated. Jesus wasn't being threatened because of spreading false news, conspiracy narratives, off-color statements about opposing political parties, or being unkind toward people who disagreed with him - he asked which of his "good works" led them to lift those rocks. WOW! Jesus was able to point to his legacy of good works and his service to others. What an amazing model for us to follow.

A study into the good works of Jesus reveals something important. Of course, insight into the Old Testament prophetic literature helps us here - God cares for the vulnerable and abhors their abuse by people in power. You cannot responsibly read the prophets or look at the ministry of Jesus and conclude any differently. When Jesus announced the coming of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:15), the people knew what he meant - God was coming to finally make good on his promises throughout the history of Israel. The blind were given sight, lepers were cleansed, the poor were fed, the Samaritans were shown mercy, tax collectors were welcomed, prostitutes found new life, and even the dead were raised. Jesus asked, which of these good works were the cause of his stoning. He turned the tables back on his opposition. Of course, they go on and discuss how Jesus committed "blasphemy" and again Jesus answers them at every turn.

The question for those of us that are seeking a kingdom vision - what is my "good works" legacy? We know that as followers of Jesus, our salvation is and will always be by grace through faith. We're not trying to score enough points to get us into the kingdom of God. These works are an overflow of love that God puts into us and an expression of our new life in God's kingdom. Let's look at how God has uniquely gifted each of us and how these gifts are meant to bless others - not those that are able to benefit us, but to those who have nothing to give in return. Resistance will come - we are in a supernatural battle. A kingdom vision looks to express God's compassion, goodness, and love.

Be blessed! - Mike

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