MISSED OPPORTUNITY, GREAT LESSON Yesterday when I was at the fairgrounds, I asked God to open doors for me to pray with people. My prayer was specifically that God would show me who he would want me to pray for, for whatever reason with the goal of perhaps bringing healing, deliverance, or salvation to someone. I walked around the midway and I prayed silently for many people I saw. “Lord, bless this family and their kids”... things like that. After enjoying some pizza, an elephant ear, and some lemonade, I went back to my vehicle waiting for my parking shift. So far, I felt no impression to go up to anybody. I was content to just quietly pray for people, knowing that prayer matters. If there was no appointment, so be it. As I’m sitting in my vehicle, which was far out in the parking lot, a man limped by, right in front of me. The man looked very uncomfortable. I didn’t know if something had just happened or it was an ongoing issue. There was no doubt that this man was hurtin...