Guard your lens, heart, and allegiances

Guard your lens. Guard your heart. Guard your allegiances. All humans have a lens that we view our world through. Nobody is immune to this. Our worldview is shaped by forces that are often outside our control for a time, until we are made aware of them. Becoming aware of our own lenses and biases is a key practice in life. A heart of "repentance" is an inner turnaround - an admission that our worldview and lens are not aligned with Jesus and our intent is to change, and realign our hearts and lives. Church - many of us have some repenting to do. Statistics overwhelmingly show that the same political divide that is splitting our nation, which has accelerated dramatically since 2004 according to Gallup, is also splitting the church. What this shows is that our culture is effectively discipling Christians. If we view our world through the lens of partisan politics, we are following the path of human empires - we become unintentional agents of Babylon. A believer with a Jesus-ki...